Exploring the Beauty of the Pacific Northwest: Sustaining Innovation, Creativity, and Hope in an Ever-Changing World
At the Student Poetry Reading
I guess you could call me broken,
says one. I’m still lonely, says another,
but now I can name it with a song.
In my poem, says another,
I can forget I am forgotten. Now
I understand being misunderstood,
says another. And another says,
in a bold, undeniable voice of power,
I won’t step down from myself again.
And they are beautiful, beautiful,
standing one by one at the mic
where they have come forth at last
from behind the curtain.
Poem copyright © 2021 by Kim Stafford, from Poetry (March 2021).
Reprinted by permission of Kim Stafford.
The National Association for Poetry Therapy, Inc. (NAPT) is a nonprofit, international, and interdisciplinary organization promoting growth and healing through written language, symbol, and story. Members represent a wide range of professional experience, schools of therapy, educational affiliations, artistic disciplines, and other fields of training in both mental and physical health. In addition to its professional membership, NAPT welcomes all people who are interested in the power of the healing word. We hope you will be able to learn from the many workshops, lectures, and informal networking opportunities available. We trust you will be inspired to absorb, reflect, and write. Please visit us on Facebook, Instagram or www.poetrytherapy.org to contact the NAPT Board and for more information about NAPT.
I wish to thank the entire Board for being able to work together to ensure that NAPT grows and thrives as we move into the future. I am deeply honored to have this opportunity to work with such a dynamic and talented group of individuals. I want to thank all the pre-workshop, regular workshop, and special events presenters for help shaping this year’s conference program. I also wish to thank the Proposal Review Committee, which consisted of Tim Kelly, Karen van Meenen, Jenna Robinson, and Cynthia Holloway-Kelvin, who worked together to select the wonderful workshops offered at this year’s conference. Our new Public Relations & Social Media Chair Tim Kelly has done an outstanding job keeping our organization and events in the forefront. A special thanks to Beth Couture for all her help as the conference volunteer coordinator. I particularly want to thank our president Laura Santner for her support and leadership. And last but not least, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Barbara Kriesberg, our past conference chair, for her support and dedication to NAPT and to our annual conference, but most of all for her unwavering patience, kindness, and friendship.
Catherine Tanguis, MA, NBCT, CAPF
Conference Chair
About registration.
Option #1: I plan on attending the Full Conference: Choose the Full Registration option. You will then be able to add on any Pre-Conference Workshops and/or the Triple Workshop if you desire. You will be able to choose your workshops here. Be sure NOT to add Friday & Saturday again if you clicked Full Registration to avoid being charged twice!
Option #2: I plan on attending one day, either Friday OR Saturday: Choose the A La Carte option. There you will be able to pick your day, register for workshops and add any Pre-Conference Workshops and/or the Triple Workshop if you desire.
You must register for the Full Conference or Friday or Saturday in order to attend any Pre-Conference or Triple Workshops.
Click Here to Begin Registration
About our conference.