When: October 29, 2023
Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm EST
Where: Zoom
Facilitator: Cynthia Kelvin
Registration: https://poetrytherapy.org/event-5441706
Join us October 29th, 2023 4pm/PST and 7pm/EST for “Poetry Brew” a workshop event where we will unlock the magic of Halloween through the power of poetry. We will delve into the captivating world of All Hallows' Eve, its rich history, and the deep emotions it evokes. Through selected poems we will immerse ourselves in the eerie, mysterious, and enchanting ambiance of this time of year. We will discover how poets from various backgrounds have used their words to invoke the feelings and sensations associated with this bewitching season. We will engage in crafting our own cauldron of words to share with the group. This time of year is not just about frights and fun; it's also a time for introspection, renewal, and transformation. This workshop will encourage the use of season as a catalyst for personal growth and healing through the medium of poetry. Come and connect with others who share your passion for poetry and the magic of Halloween.
Reserve your cauldron now!
*Funds from all events support our conference scholarship fund.