Writing the Winds of Change

The National Association for Poetry Therapy's 2012 Conference:

April 26-29, 2012

Cenacle Conference and Retreat Center, Chicago IL

Featured Poet: Haki Madhubuti

Haki R. Madhubuti is the founder, publisher, and chairman of the board of Third World Press (1967), co-founder of the Institute of Positive Education/New Concept School (1969), and co-founder of Betty Shabazz International Charter School (1998) in Chicago, Illinois.

He has published 24 books including Claiming Earth: Race, Rage, Rape, RedemptionGroundWork: New and Selected Poems 1966-1996,and Tough Notes: A Healing Call For Creating Exceptional Black Men (2002).

Keynote Speaker: Diane Allerdyce

Diane Allerdyce, Ph.D., is Co-Founder of Toussaint L'Ouverture High School for Arts & Social Justice in Boynton Beach, Florida, and is an activist deeply involved in community outreach and education reform.

She is the author of a scholarly book on Anais Nin (Northern Illinois UP, 1998), as well as an award-winning chapbook of poetry, Whatever It Is I Was Giving Up (Pudding House Publications, 2007).  Her awards include Red Wheelbarrow Award, Puddinghouse Publications for Best Chapbook from an NAPT Member, February 2007; Distinguished Service Award, April 2006, National Association for Poetry Therapy). Dr. Allerdyce is trained as a poetry therapy facilitator and is the past-President and a current long-time Board Member of, the National Association for Poetry Therapy (NAPT).

Opening Night Event: AvantRetro

Our opening ceremony Thursday evening will be AvantRetro, the Chicago-based performance poetry duo of Charlie Rossiter and Al DeGenova. They use a variety of techniques and performance tools to present their original poetry that gets at the essence of what it means to be human.

Al’s major instrument is saxophone; he also plays flute. Charlie plays conga and other hand percussion instruments. They were among the handful of poets selected to perform at the 2005 Chicago Blues Festival.


"NAPT" The National Association for Poetry Therapy

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization 

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Green Valley, AZ 85614

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